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Showing posts from November, 2019

Joint Replacement

Joint Replacement Joint replacement means removing part or all of a damaged joint and installing hardware to allow the limb to move without pain or limitations. The replacement hardware is called a prosthesis. These are made of plastic, metal, ceramic, or a combination of these materials. Most joint replacements are performed to treat damage from arthritis to the knees or hips. Orthopedic surgeons do the procedure under general anesthesia. Description Damaged cartilage and bone are removed from the knee joint. Man-made pieces are then placed in the knee. These pieces may be placed in the following places in the knee joint: The lower end of the thigh bone -- This bone is called the femur. The replacement part is usually made of metal. The upper end of the shin bone, which is the large bone in your lower leg -- This bone is called the tibia. The replacement part is usually made from metal and strong plastic. The backside of your kneecap -- Your kneecap is call

Exercise & Fitness

Exercise & Fitness Exercising regularly, every day if possible, is the single most important thing you can do for your health. In the short term, exercise helps to control appetite, boost mood, and improve sleep. In the long term, it reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, depression, and many cancers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend the following: For adults of all ages At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise like brisk walking or 75 minutes of rigorous exercise like running (or an equivalent mix of both) every week.  It’s fine to break up exercise into smaller sessions as long as each one lasts at least 10 minutes. Strength-training that works all major muscle groups—legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms—at least two days a week.  Strength training may involve lifting weights, using resistance bands, or exercises like push-ups and sit-ups, in which your body weight furnishes the resistance.

6 Foods You Can Eat on Your Period, and 4 Foods You Need to Avoid

6 Foods You Can Eat on Your Period, and 4 Foods You Need to Avoid Women’s nutritional needs change throughout  the menstrual cycle , and hormone fluctuation isn’t the only reason for this. They also lose essential minerals and vitamins through bleeding. In order to restore these losses, experts  recommend  a balanced diet in accordance with their periods. Certain products  can  help you to maintain a healthy level of elements and can combat conditions like cramps, swelling, headaches, nausea, and fatigue. Foods to eat on your period 1. Broccoli ©     ©     ©    Iron is the mineral you lose  most  during menstrual bleeding. Broccoli will help you to compensate for the loss. Besides iron, broccoli  is rich  in fiber, magnesium, and potassium which will help to  reduce bloating ,  fix digestion  and relax the  muscles  if you suffer from cramps. 2. Bananas ©    Bananas

7 Popular Foods That Can Mess With Your Kidneys

7 Popular Foods That Can Mess With Your Kidneys Kidneys  play a very important role in your body — they are in charge of removing waste through urine, producing hormones, and filtering out toxins and extra fluid in your blood. That’s why you should take good care of your kidneys and try to keep them healthy. Sadly, some foods can harm them and affect their normal functioning if eaten in excess. 1. Avocados © silverstylus / pixabay    Although avocados are popular and praised for their various nutritious qualities, eating too many of them might be dangerous for your kidneys, especially if you already have a kidney disease. And the reason is that this fruit has a very high level of potassium. Our bodies need this mineral, but  t oo much potassium  in the blood can cause serious problems like muscle cramping and an irregular heartbeat. 2. Meat © ReinhardThrainer / pixabay    Eating  too much meat  may cause kidney problems because animal prote

4 Things That Happen to Your Body If You Start to Eat Almonds Every Day

4 Things That Happen to Your Body If You Start to Eat Almonds Every Day Eating almonds could literally save your life. In a  study , the American Heart Association found that low nut consumption increases the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Among nuts, almonds are the favorites not just for their taste, but for their benefits too. It reduces acne. ©     ©    According to this  study , patients with severe acne presented about 9% less vitamin E in their bloodstream. Eating almonds to   improve skin conditions is a long-dated, Middle Eastern traditional cure that turned out to be backed by science. Almonds are  packed with vitamin E  and antioxidants that could help you  cure acne and rejuvenate your skin  if you can withstand its high levels of omega-6 fat. It helps to treat diabetes. ©     ©     ©    This  study  showed that patients sufferi